use case

Roadside Assistance

Specifically designed for roadside assistance processes, Pathshare Bitlane Edition uses a well-balanced combination between app and web browser based location sharing for the optimal customer experience.

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showcased features
  • Dashboard

  • Pathshare App

  • In-Browser App

  • SMS

  • Analytics

Location sharing for roadside assistance

In roadside assistance, finding the damaged car and keeping the customer informed are essential but also very cost intense tasks.

If you’re a roadside assistance, breakdown cover or towing service, Pathshare Pro is the perfect choice for you. Thanks to location sharing, the motorist will know the time of arrival of the technician. In turn, the technician knowns the exact location where to find the damaged car.

Here’s how it works. After (1) the motorist called in for assistance, the agent (2) sends an invitation message to the motorist. As soon as the motorist shares his exact location, the agent (3) dispatches the job to a nearby technician. Based on the remaining route, (4) Pathshare calculates the remaining time for the technician to arrive on site.

Comfort with no installation barriers for the motorist

Since the motorist contacting an assistance service is already in a unlucky situation, giving him the option to productively use his waiting time is already a relief. To communicate the technicians exact arrival time, the agent sends a text message invitation right from the dashboard.

When the motorist accepts the invitation, he is able to share his location from within the browser - there is no app installation needed. This helps the technician find his exact location and the motorist in turn receives the technicians estimated time of arrival.

Simple onboarding for the technician

New jobs are dispatched to technicians using the dashboard by sending a location sharing invitation by text message. As soon as the technician opens the link and accepts sharing, the motorist can see the estimated time he has to wait for the service.

Similarly, if a new technician needs to be onboarded and does not have the app yet installed, the invitation is sent right from within the dashboard and the technician gets redirected to the app store automatically. The installation will then configure the predefined settings and open the location sharing session with the customer in the same step.

Agent has complete overview

The call and dispatching agent’s job is to communicate with the customer, i.e. the motorist, and to organize the needed service quickly and efficiently. With many open jobs, the complexity of his work grows. Therefore, it is critical for the agent to have a complete overview over the current situation and to be able to interact directly with both the technician en route and the motorist waiting for the service.

By using the Pathshare Dashboard, he has full control over all running cases and all relevant jobs on one map while being able to filter what is important right now.

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